Missions For Life (Global & Local)


To reach every Nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To train Pastors and Leaders in the ministry. To meet the needs of the Nations naturally as well as spiritually.


We started World Missions in 1992 by going to Trinidad, West Indies. Since then we have gone to Russia, Kenya, London, Uganda, Barbados, Jamaica, and Haiti.

We have done economic empowering in Kenya, and distributed Literature, Bibles, Bicycles, and Clothing to all of these countries one way or another.

Ministries Operating

Crusades- Ministry Teams preach and teach the word of God and Souls are won for Christ.

IOV Schools- Pastors and Leaders being trained for the work of the ministry.

Food Ministry- Land has been purchased and crops planted and raised by the native people. Distribution Warehouse in the states is our goal.

Building Projects- We have presently helped build or renovate churches in Jamaica, Trinidad, Kenya, Uganda and Ghana.

Media- Bibles, Books, and various other ministry materials must be printed in native languages and distributed.

Our Finances

We are a faith ministry. In other words, we are not endowed, nor the recipients of large on going grants. It is only through God's working int he hearts of individuals and churches that we are able to sustain this vital ministry.

Goals & Objectives

Our goal is to effectively minister to the people of God whom He has allowed us to come in touch with. We can't do this alone. We expect God to continue to touch the hearts of people all over the world causing relationships to be established that we never could have imagined years ago. Will you prayerfully consider becoming a supporter of this ministry by doing the following:

By Praying Regulary

By Supporting IOV schools

By Supporting Ministry Teams

By Supporting Media Resources

By Supporting Food Ministry

By Supporting Building Projects

By Supporting General Fund

Gifts are generally tax deductable. Designated gifts are used for the specific purpose for which they are given. Funds specified for any project which has been fully funded will be applied to a similar project or to a project where funds are most needed.

Give your gift to Missions today through our online-giving!

Get Connected

Church Address
215 North 25th Street
P.O. Box 831
Quincy, IL 62301

Phone: (217) 223-3344
FAX: (217) 223-7821
e-mail: bishopelw@yahoo.com
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